Governance and Accountability

Sunrise Board of Directors

President Susan Fielding
Vice-President Karen Curtis
Past President Donna Christie
Secretary/Treasurer David Kennedy
Directors Jessica Goyda, Russel Hurst, Brianne Gardner

Advisory Council 

Ann Caine, Chair

Jeff Tiessen, Publisher, Blaze Magazine

Gayle Ecker, Director, Equine Guelph

Annual Reports & Audited Financial Statements

Our most recent annual reports can be found here:

Sunrise Annual Report 2022-2023

Our most recent audited financial statements: Sunrise Audited Financial Statements 2022-2023

Sunrise is a registered charity: 11920 6027 RR0001


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, please note that Sunrise Farm is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free environment.
In fairness to the animals that work in the Sunrise program, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the premises, unless scheduled by the staff for specific events.
© 2025 Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre Inc. Registered Charity: # 11920 6027 RR0001

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