

The human-animal bond is a special relationship, providing a sense of unwavering acceptance and motivating riders to try new skills.

At Sunrise, we witness children saying their first words, teens proudly planning and executing multi-step directions, and adults gaining greater flexibility, core strength and posture.   For every rider, there is a multitude of physical, emotional, social and cognitive benefits that result from their weekly therapeutic riding lesson.


It’s therapy…and it’s fun! 


The average cost per year to provide food, veterinarian service, farrier service and daily care is $5,000 for each of our 22 horses.

Sponsor one of our gentle giants and make an impact on the lives of hundreds of individuals a year.  Carefully selected and trained, each horse provides up to 600 hours of therapy a year!


 Join our team, and touch the lives of children and adults with special needs in our community.

For an updated list of horses who need a sponsor, please visit the horse profile page

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Full Sponsor, Co-Sponsor


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Hearts and Hooves: Horse Sponsor (Full)



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For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, please note that Sunrise Farm is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free environment.
In fairness to the animals that work in the Sunrise program, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the premises, unless scheduled by the staff for specific events.
© 2025 Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre Inc. Registered Charity: # 11920 6027 RR0001

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