Sunrise Staff


Lynne O’Brien, Executive Director
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x 31
Email: [email protected]

Fiona Ryder, Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x 35
Email: [email protected]

Anita Diaz, Fundraising & Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x 32
Email: [email protected]

Rachel Reeve, Administrative Assistant
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x 32
Email: [email protected]


Therapy Programs

Camilla Giffen, EC Competition Coach Specialist (EC Coach 2), EC Dressage Judge, CTRII, Head Instructor
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x29
E-mail: [email protected]

Suzy Bender, EC Competition Coach (EC Coach 1), CanTRA Coach/Examiner, Certified EAL Facilitator, Program Coordinator/Instructor
Phone: (519) 837-0558 x22
E-mail: [email protected]

Merle Fast, CTRII, Instructor

Sydney Holmes, CTRII, Instructor

Kyleigh Murray, CTRII, Instructor

Lydia Prabucki, CTRII, Instructor

Larissa Pirillo, CTRII, Instructor

Fiona Ryder, CTRBI-2, Instructor

Pam Young, CTRII, Instructor

Camp Sunrise

Jenna Sinclair, Camp Coordinator & Little Breeches Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

Life Skills Program

Katie Bergin, Life Skills Coordinator
Phone: (519) 763-5517
Email: [email protected]

Kyleigh Murray, Life Skills Assistant

Property Maintenance

Chris Davies, Maintenance Coordinator

Jesse Meatte, Maintenance Assistant

Program Consultants

Carol Peachy-Hill, Occupational Therapist Reg. (Ont.)
Winnie Warywoda, Physiotherapist
Dr. Christopher Stemerdink, Family Physician


EC = Equestrian Canada
CTRBI = Canadian Therapeutic Riding Basic Instructor
CTRII = Canadian Therapeutic Riding Intermediate Instructor
CTRSI = Canadian Therapeutic Riding Senior Instructor


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, please note that Sunrise Farm is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free environment.
In fairness to the animals that work in the Sunrise program, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the premises, unless scheduled by the staff for specific events.
© 2025 Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre Inc. Registered Charity: # 11920 6027 RR0001

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