
Can You Help?

Are you interested in making a difference in your community?  Do you enjoy working with children and animals? Can you share even one hour per week of your time?

Volunteer Leaders and Sidewalkers assist in therapy lessons.

More than 100 volunteers are needed each week to share their time with a child or adult with special needs. Volunteer Leaders are responsible for leading the horse following direction from the lesson instructor. Sidewalkers provide physical support and encouragement to the rider.

Sunrise’s goal is to have volunteers work with the same rider and horse each week – this is the Sunrise Therapy Team!

Volunteer Requirements

  • Be at least 14 years old
  • Attend an Orientation
  • Attend a Volunteer Training Clinic (for Lesson Volunteers only)
  • Provide two references
  • Submit a Police Record Check, Vulnerable Sector Check (only those 18 years of age and over)

Volunteer Orientations are provided each week by appointment during lesson times where visitors can see volunteers “in action” in the Sunrise riding arena.  During an Orientation visit, volunteers tour the Sunrise facility, view a therapeutic riding lesson, and discuss their participation in the program.

Volunteer Training Clinics are a two-hour hands-on session in the Sunrise barn and arena to prepare volunteers to assist in therapy lessons.   All Lesson Volunteers must attend one Volunteer Training Clinic.

Please contact Fiona Ryder, Volunteer Coordinator/Instructor, to make an Orientation appointment and for the dates of upcoming volunteer training opportunities:

Phone:  519-837-0558, ext. 35
Email:  [email protected]
Download a Volunteer Application (PDF)

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Other volunteer opportunities are available on a more irregular basis as assistance is required.  This activity could include special events, fundraising,  gardening, painting, barn chores, property and building maintenance, housekeeping, mailings & other office functions.

Placement Students

Sunrise encourages both secondary school, college and university students to consider Sunrise for their Co-op or Practicum placements. Acceptance into the program is based on an interview and space availability. Sunrise welcomes the energy, fresh perspective and knowledge of best practices that students bring to our program!


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, please note that Sunrise Farm is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free environment.
In fairness to the animals that work in the Sunrise program, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the premises, unless scheduled by the staff for specific events.
© 2025 Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre Inc. Registered Charity: # 11920 6027 RR0001

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