Life Skills Day Program

The Life Skills Day Program is an innovative farm-based day program for adults 18+ with special needs, particularly those with cognitive delays. The program currently runs weekly on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday year round, with additional days to be added in the future. Sunrise provides the opportunity for participants to practice and learn new skills in a supportive, safe and structured environment. Activities are designed to match participants’ capabilities, with the goal of having of each participant reach and work at their fullest potential.
The program presently runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays year round, from 9:00am- 3:00pm.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Horse care & handling
- Farm chores
- Horse knowledge & stable management
- Gardening & maintaining the flower and vegetable beds
- Cooking & baking
- Life skills building
- Painting & crafts
- Seasonal activities
All interested applicants are required to complete an application and intake form, as well as visit Sunrise for an intake meeting with the Life Skills Coordinator. This meeting allows for the Life Skills Coordinator and the applicant to meet each other as well as determine goals which the interested applicant would like to work towards. After the intake, applicants are able to book a trial day to observe and participate in various activities to assess whether the Scotiabank Life Skills Day Program will meet the needs and personal goals of the participant.
We hope you can join us for some farm-based learning and fun!

Katie Bergin, Life Skills Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
(519) 763-5517 (Life Skills House)

Adults with special needs have so few choices and options in their lives. Other children grow up and choose what path they want their life to take. Our special needs children have limited community opportunities and choices. Their lives are pretty much determined for them. As a parent you are always second guessing, wondering if the right decision was made and wishing there was more. You just want your child to be happy and do what is best for them. Sunrise provides unique programming like no other in our community and most importantly, another option. For Matt, I can say with certainty that Sunrise is the right choice. He loves, loves, loves all aspects of Sunrise. He has had so many opportunities to try new things and succeed. Through the variety of programs he has learned co-operation, responsibility and team work. He has grown in confidence and ability as Sunrise focuses on his strengths. He has wonderful opportunities to socialize with his peers. There are not enough words to express our appreciation and gratitude for this wonderful haven called Sunrise.
Thank you to Scotiabank for their support (2015-2018).