
Sunrise programs embrace inclusion. We believe every child should experience companionship, fun, a healthy lifestyle and acceptance by peers and the community, and that finances should not be a barrier.  With this in mind, a scholarship program is presently available for Therapeutic Riding / Driving and Summer Camp programs.   Participants (or their parents / caregivers) who require financial assistance with program fees can complete a confidential Scholarship Application Form.

Each applicant family is asked to “pay what they can” in order to stretch scholarship donations to benefit as many participants as possible.   Each approved application is matched to a designated Scholarship Fund donation.   If there are not sufficient funds available, we can provide information to parents about potential alternate sources.

If you are interested in supporting or applying to our Scholarship Program, please contact Lynne O’Brien, Executive Director at 519-837-0558, ext. 31 or [email protected]

Click here to download the Scholarship Application Form


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, please note that Sunrise Farm is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free environment.
In fairness to the animals that work in the Sunrise program, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the premises, unless scheduled by the staff for specific events.
© 2025 Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre Inc. Registered Charity: # 11920 6027 RR0001

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